County | Total Outages | Members in County |
Benton | 0 | 122 |
Cedar | 0 | 437 |
Iowa | 0 | 99 |
Johnson | 0 | 17,998 |
Jones | 0 | 122 |
Linn | 0 | 15,267 |
Totals: | 0 | 34,045 |
Unconfirmed Outage: The prediction is based on phone calls received.
Confirmed Outage: Outage has been verified at this location by personnel. This does not necessarily indicate that a crew is working on the outage in real-time.
Linn County REC does not show outage locations for outages involving less than 10 members. Outage totals in the table above include the outages not shown on the map.
Shaded areas indicates approximate areas where electric service is provided by Linn County REC.
NOTE: The map updates approximately every 10 minutes.